Never feel like an inadequate parent again.

Hey, I am Pia,

I help moms live abundantly, even when life throws challenges their way!

I’ve devoted my life to supporting moms with evidence-based, mindset shifting parenting approaches that make me stand out in a sea of parenting coaches & therapists. I share the same tools and strategies that made me feel fulfilled, authentic, and at ease every day of my motherhood journey.

After studying human development and psychology, and earning a master’s degree in special education from Cologne University, I became a certified parenting coach and certified hypnotherapist in the US and have also trained in healing trauma. In the past 20 years, I’ve founded A Temporary Home for Neglected Babies and Toddlers in Germany and started the Beginning Well non-profit and published the same named book: Beginning Well: Empathy from the very beginning. In my private practice I’ve helped hundreds of parents and their children transform inner stress, emotional overwhelm, anxiety disorder, attachment issues, eating issues and low self-esteem into deep connection, self-respect and self-love.

More about Pia

Ready to unleash the power you are born with?

Through a unique blend of hypnosis, cutting-edge mindset techniques, and effective parenting strategies, I empower you to tap into your inner wisdom. Discover your needs, break free from unwanted behaviors, and transform triggers to strengthen the bond between you and your child. Elevate your parenting journey with compassionate self-awareness and meaningful connections.

My Beginning Well Approach To
Successful Parenting

boils down to two simple principles:

Bid farewell to outdated parenting approaches and prioritize yourself.

While you may feel that you’re too busy to take a break or to practice self-care, the fact is, if you are out of balance and unaware of what is going on inside of you, your child will soon be out of balance too.

Even newborns perceive everything

We traditionally think children are unaware, incapable, undeveloped, BUT they are not! As newborns they are highly intuitive and sensitive.
Even unborn children recognize the well-being of their mother in the womb; each memory is stored in their subconscious mind..

How is the relationship with yourself?

I soon realized how much my feelings, inner mood, and stress were connected with her well-being. I realized that before I could give her my best, I first had to discover what was going on inside of me.

Our mindset determines children’s development for the rest of their life

How we treat ourselves and interact with our children greatly impacts our relationship. Imagine if we treated our best friend like we are an authoritarian, controlling boss acting over their head, without paying conscious attention to their feelings and needs.

They would definitely not feel understood, seen, safe, or valued, right? The same is true of our children.

The way we think about our child, acknowledge their unique being and mindfully respond to their needs, determines their development: their confidence, trust, self-esteem, feelings of worthiness and safety. The first years determine their development for the rest of their life.

My promise to you …

A Tailored Solution for Parenting Success. Drawing on my expertise in trauma healing, certified parent coaching and hypnotherapy, I’ve crafted a method that’s as unique as you are. Experience personalized coaching for fulfillment amidst chaos. Gain practical tools to navigate every parenting challenge with patience and, most importantly, joy!

The Beginning Well Approach has already helped thousands of parents worldwide.

For those that want to dive deep.


A Tailored Solution for Parenting Success.

Hypnotherapy For Rapid Change

Immediate Transformation of Self-Doubts, Stress & Fear

2 Month Program For Working Moms

Find Purpose & Success + Have Time For Family

Life Saving 1:1 Parent Coaching

For Parents With Challenging Kids

The Mindful Approach To Parenting

Your Book To Avoid Power Struggles From The Beginning

empathetic parenting for everyone


Interviews, practical parenting tools, soothing self-care snippets, and empowering secrets from amazing working moms around the globe. Transform your negative self-beliefs, struggles, and self-doubts into compassion and success at home and at work.

Learn the new way to approach motherhood!



On Beginning Well we share the amazing wisdom of top experts in parenting & child development.


Amy Griffith

Doula and Certified Nutritionist, California

As a postpartum doula, Amy offers support to women and their …


Anna Ruth Myers

Early Childhood Expert & Parent Consultant, NYC

Anna Ruth Myers is an infant development …


Anne de Wild

Naturopath, Basel, Switzerland.

Anne de Wild is a naturopath and biography worker with her own …


Deb Fusek

Certified Parent Coach & Adoption Consultant.

Deb Fusek, MA,  has been a mom since …


Dorothy Marleen

Early Childhood and Parenting Expert, UK

Dorothy offers us parents a deep understanding and awareness of …


Dr. Adam Blanning

Anthroposophic physician and family doctor, USA

Dr. Adam Blanning, MD is an anthroposophic physician and school doctor, with …


Dr. Deborah E. Laurin

Early Childhood Expert and Researcher

Dr. Deborah Laurin, professor of Early Childhood Education, is …


Dr. Georg Soldner

Anthroposophical Pediatrician, Germany

Dr. Georg Soldner is a globally renowned anthroposophical pediatrician from Germany and father of two …


Dr. Karin Michael

Pediatrician, Germany.

Dr. Karin Michael is a specialist in children’s and adolescent Medicine at …


Dr. Michaela Glöckler

Pediatrician and President, ELIANT, Germany

Dr. Michaela Glöckler is a globally published author, …


Elke Maria Rischke

Waldorf Early Childhood Expert, Germany

Elke Maria Rischke is a Waldorf educator who has worked as a Waldorf …


Greer Kirshenbaum

Neuroscientist doula, Canada

Greer Kirshenbaum, PhD, CD(DONA), is the first Neuroscientist Doula and the first Neuroscientist Infant Sleep …

What’s the buzz from parents and professionals?

“With 4 kids I often felt exhausted. But I learned that self-care is not selfish! Thanks for empowering my soul, body and mind!”

Alix von Studnitz Nell,
Fashion Designer

“Beginning Well has been a terrific source of inspiration as we raise our precious boy. As a father, I’m grateful for the emotional guidance that the project has offered me.”

Eric Rodenbeck,
Dad, Founder and CEO
Stamen Design, San Francisco

“Every time I watch a video here, I feel better. I am calmer and see my little one with new eyes.”

Franci Brenzino,
New Mom and Tech Entrepreneur,

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