Project Description

01: 3 Things You Need to Live It All
Are you putting yourself last, mommy? Having no clue how to find the right balance between your kids’ need and your own?
Today’s episode is all about the three essential things that we moms need to know in order to live it all. Having a loving and deep relationship with our little ones that stays even through our puberty. While also being a successful working woman able to follow your heart’s desire and to do what you are passionate about at work.
Listen To The Full Episode Below
Don’t Miss These Episodes Highlights
When I became a mother, I was not aware of my own needs at all. I thought it was all about caring for my little one. And when I started to work again, I worked from home and was constantly pulled between caretaking and getting things done for my work. And most of the time I felt stressed because I couldn’t get as much work done as I needed to.
And of course, as we all know, if we are stressed, frustrated, maybe under time pressure, we are not capable of giving our child or children our best. So I realized in order to live it all, having an empathetic relationship with my daughter and working successfully from home demands three essential things.
- We need to be self-aware [5:08]
- We need to transform our self-limiting beliefs [8:57]
- Realizing that the quality of time we spend with our children is more important than the quantity of time spent with them. [11:42]
Listen in as we dive deeper into each area.
Quotable moment…
“We can only grow beyond our limitations in order to achieve our goal, to live it all, to thrive into our full potential, at home and at work, if we invite diversity into our life, if we meet moms that are different from ourselves, learn from their coping strategies, fears, struggles and success. Even parenting styles that we don’t agree with help us to gain deeper clarity about who we are, and what we wish for our child and ourselves.”
Are you hiding in what’s comfortable …
Join My Parenting Social Club
Would you like to never feel like an inadequate parent again, get soothing self-care tools to keep your cool, be warmly supported on your unique parenting journey, getting advice for your struggles, and self-doubts while also connecting with moms that are in the same transition as you? Then come and join my monthly Parenting Social Club, a small online group coaching that allows you to open your heart, learn the new way of motherhood and feel appreciated just as you are!
More about LIVE IT ALL MOMMY Podcast
Pia Dögl created the LIVE IT ALL MOMMY podcast, with you and your challenges, desires and doubts as a new mom and working woman in mind. With interviews, mindful parenting tools, self-care snippets and behind-the-scene secrets from amazing moms around the globe – each episode can help you carve out your own path in order to find more purpose, fulfillment and balance in parenthood, as a powerful soul, and courageous woman. The LIVE IT ALL MOMMY podcast will give you the roadmap you need to unbundle traditional roles, misconceptions and self-limiting beliefs that keep you stuck. It’s time to put your needs first, so your child and YOURSELF can feel more calm, confident & connected.
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