Project Description

Holly Ellisa Bruno
Parenting Expert
Holly Elissa Bruno, former Maine Assistant Attorney General, Dean of Faculty, Outstanding Professor, University of Maine-Augusta, is an international Keynoter, award winning, best selling author on trauma and recovery, leadership and emotional intelligence, plus managing legal risks in ECE programs.
Newest Episodes
11: Coaching Session with Sarah Scott
How Can I Support My Daughter’s Self-Esteem Journey?
In today’s episode, we have a special guest, Sarah Scott, joining us for a parent coaching interview.
As moms, …
01: 3 Things You Need to Live It All
Are you putting yourself last, mommy? Having no clue how to find the right balance between your kids’ need and your own?
Today’s episode is …
09: Interview with Maria Steuer
Do you want to know how your upbringing could affect the way you parent?
Today I’m most delighted to interview Maria Steuer, who is a childhood …